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Weekend Program Registration

周末课程 -文诚学校2023-24学年开放网上注册
WSCC weekend program 2023-24 school year is open for online registration.

Please click to read the Instructions in English and Chinese 中英文注册说明.
Please click to visit Registration site http://wscc.cnschool.org and follow the steps to login, register, and to select courses. 

Frequently Asked Questions about online registration 常见问题回答

To login to an existing account or to register for a new account:

To add, edit, or delete a student and to register, drop, or switch courses:

To check the account balance and to make a payment:

When school is in session, bring the; 1) Finance Information; 2) Parent/Guardian Liability and Responsibility Agreement; and 3) check to the greeting desk. When school is not in session, mail the; 1) Finance Information; 2) Parent/Guardian Liability and Responsibility Agreement; and 3) check to:

Winchester School of Chinese Culture
611 Main St, Ste202
Winchester, MA 01890

Note: Registrants should have a zero balance if the tuition is paid in full for the current term and the family duty fee withholding from the previous term has been credited to the account. If the account shows a debit of $50, most likely the family duty fee withholding has not yet been credited to the account. Contact the school administration at wscc.info@gmail.com if the total balance has been paid in full but there remains a non zero balance other than a debit of $50.

文诚接受下面网上付款方式 Efunds Online Payment methods

Online payment with credit card/debit card. Efunds system services public schools national-wide. It is a secure system.

Link to E-funds For Schools

Instruction to set up the online payment 中英文网上付款说明